
By: Quan

Jan 03 2011

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Category: Black & White, Flora, Utah


Focal Length:28mm
Shutter:1/0 sec
Camera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II

Monday, January 03, 2010.

I stumbled upon this tree during a hike in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah.  Seeing it leaning against the tall rock wall, I couldn’t help thinking what had happened and how it got to this resting position.  It was pretty much disintegrated; leafless, limbless, only the trunk left.

I imagine that only a matter of time when the trunk will also decay to a breaking point and fall down to the ground; then eventually, decompose to dust and come back to mother earth.

Until then, hang in there buddy!  Maybe, at Spring time, a strayed bird or two will come and serenade you.


11 comments on “Disintegrate”

  1. very nice B&W Quan

  2. Nice contrast between the brighter tree trunk and the dark background. Also, the linear texture of the tree trunk contrasted well with the various forms and texture of the canyon wall. I don’t see disintergrate yet but I see resting for now 🙂 – TFS!

  3. Agreed with Tmj. Nice texture and interesting angle, B&W tonage of main subject is just ….perfect .TFS A Quan. 🙂

  4. Interesting point of view. The tonal range of this image is very good.

  5. I’m very impressed! I was with Quan on that field trip, and I passed by that fallen tree without even thinking of stopping to look at it. Yet, Quan has created a successful picture out of it! Composition, texture, contrast, lighting, impact in its simplicity, all combined to give an excellent result. – TFS!

  6. […] This image is taken on the same trip with the one I posted last week (Disintegrate). […]

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